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The secret to healthy shiny hair

THE SECRET OF HEALTHY SHINY HAIR Every woman wants healthy and shiny hair. Healthy and shiny hair guarantees good overall health. To get healthy and shiny hair, you need to take good care of your hair on an ongoing basis. While studies have proven that 95% of hair loss is genetic, there are also [...]


Every woman wants healthy and shiny hair. Healthy and shiny hair guarantees good overall health. To get healthy and shiny hair, you need to take good care of your hair on an ongoing basis.

tips-healthy-glossy-hairWhile studies have proven that 95% of hair loss is genetic, there are also other factors that can cause hair loss. Now hair loss is not exactly a life-threatening disease but it can also mean that there is more loos than hair loss. On top of that, when a lot of hair is lost it is also not good for self-confidence.

A healthy diet

Everyone currently knows what a healthy diet is. The most important thing is that all essential vitamins and minerals are represented in the diet.

Washing the hair

The frequency of hair washing depends on the type of hair. Women with oily hair should wash hair more than women with normal or dry hair. Use lukewarm water and massage the scalp with the fingertips. It is wise to brush the hair thoroughly before washing it.

Combing the hair

Before combing your hair, it is better to brush it through first. After brushing, use a comb with meadow teeth, preferably one made of wood or tortoiseshell. If you have dry hair, it is better to let your hair dry naturally and not use a hair dryer.

The use of shampoo

Always use a mild shampoo adapted to your own hair type. Usually conditioners of the same brand belong to this. They are matched to each other.

The use of conditioners

It is necessary to protect the hair from external influences such as chlorinated water in swimming pools, salty sea water and the sun. Conditioners are great for that. So always use a conditioner in such conditions.

Your hair while sleeping

Make it a habit to brush the hair before going to sleep. Do not leave hair ties or clips in the hair. If you sleep very restlessly then consider purchasing a satin pillowcase. This is to prevent hair breakage.

This publication is brought to you by Zantman Clinic. More publications can be found at news.

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Receive a hair transplant treatment and price estimate by email. To do so, please email photos of the donor area (the back of your head) and the area to be treated to info@zantmankliniek.nl. Please include your first and last name, phone number and date of birth. You will receive a recommendation by e-mail from one of our specialists within one working day.

Dr. Olga van Putten-Rademaker, haartransplantatiearts bij Zantman Kliniek, gekleed in een donkerblauw uniform, met een vriendelijke glimlach.
Drs. O.W. van Putten-Rademaker, MSc.
Hair transplant doctor
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Drs. O.W. van Putten-Rademaker, MSc, works as a hair transplant doctor at Zantman Clinic. With more than 35 years, she is the most experienced hair transplant specialist in the Netherlands. "The careful way of working at Zantman Clinic appeals to me. With that you get the best possible results with the available donor material." Her articles are about hair loss in general and hair loss prevention in particular.

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